Privacy Policy

The privacy policy as explained hereunder, sets out to inform you of what data would be collected/received, what we will do with it, who can access it, and what you can do about it. We exclusively reserve all necessary rights to make any changes/modifications whatsoever in the website, its terms and conditions or policies with an immediate effect and send a notification. This Policy statement is made on behalf of Amazejet
(collectively, "Amazejet", "we", "us" or "our").

Information Collected:

It may be required that you offer some of your information to us during the sign up/sign in process, including but not limited to your name, email address, location details, etc. These details, which must be true to the best of your knowledge, would be stored in our secure database. Any such data, including ‘sensitive information’ which may cause discrepancy or harm likewise to the user or the website, would not be shared with any third party in any scenario. The data received from vendors are only used to display the content and related information of their company and products, obtained voluntarily and with prior consent. Furthermore, we collect information in different stages of payment, testimonial and other forms of interaction that a user may make with us officially. All such information is only used for legitimate purpose and it is hereby expressly mentioned that a user can opt out or discontinue sharing any information that he/she may not be willing to share by signing out, cancelling subscription, disabling cookies, etc.

How We Use Your Information on your behalf:

The data shared by the users/visitors would simply be used to customize and organize the content of the website, to process the required services or to inform the user/visitor under any necessity. The contact details provided by the users/visitors for the sole purpose of a query may be provided to the vendor for further communication/services. The website uses some cookies, which are only used for enhancing the experience of the users/visitors and providing them with a better service thereafter. Such information collected, as described in above section can be used for communication, notifications, feedback, testimonials, providing more services, customer support, identify and detect unscrupulous activities, analysis and monitoring. It is to be made clear that any such data or classified information received, may be used strictly for our internal business purposes, for the objective of providing better services and content to the users/visitors. The registered/verified users/visitors shall be deemed to have given their consent while registering on the website or sharing any data and their consent shall impliedly include acquaintance with the relevant facts of this policy. The data, if confidential or ‘sensitive’ in nature, is also deemed to have been duly consented by the registered/verified users/visitors. In case of verification, it would solely be in reference to ensuring and protecting your identity and privacy while following a reasonable and safe procedure.

Privacy Commitment:

It is expressly mentioned therefore, that we are committed to securing your privacy and sensitive information or associated data, and would not disclose it to any third party or individual, unless required so by law or for the related purposes. The users/visitors acknowledge and willingly provide any information and may abstain from doing so, or retain some information which they do not find suitable to share. It is however clarified, that we may be unable to offer some services in the occurrence of such situation and they can be availed if the users/visitors provided the necessary information. Our sole objective is to protect the privacy of our users and resolve conflicts to ensure optimum services at all stages.

Our Mission

We aim to help your business grow
and reach new heights